Clarebrand, Dumfries and Galloway (DG7)
Clarebrand Information
- Latitude and Longitude: 54°58'49" N, 3°57'54" W
- or in decimal: 54.9802, -3.9651
- Postcode Area: DG7
- County/District: Dumfries and Galloway
Closest Airports to Clarebrand
- Prestwick Airport - 44 miles NW
Nearby Points of Interest
- Dundrennan Abbey (Ruin) - 11 miles S
- Raeberry Castle (Ruin) - 15 miles S
Nearby Geographical Features
- Erncrogo Loch (Lake) - within a mile
- Loch Roan (Lake) - 1 mile N
- Glentoo Loch (Lake) - 4 miles SW
- Bargatton Loch (Lake) - 4 miles SW
- Carlingwark Loch (Lake) - 5 miles S
- Woodhall Loch (Lake) - 5 miles W
- Stroan Loch (Lake) - 6 miles W
- Corsock Loch (Lake) - 6 miles N
- Lochenbreck Loch (Lake) - 6 miles W
- Milton Loch (Lake) - 6 miles NE
- Culcraigie Loch (Lake) - 7 miles SW
- Bengairn (Mountain) - 8 miles S
- Loch Ken (Lake) - 8 miles NW
- Loch Whinyeon (Lake) - 9 miles SW
- Loch Skerrow (Lake) - 9 miles W
- Duffs Loch (Lake) - 9 miles SE
- Loch Brack (Lake) - 10 miles NW
- Loch Urr (Lake) - 11 miles N
- Bogrie Hill - 11 miles N
- Loch Skae (Lake) - 11 miles N
- Loch Howie (Lake) - 11 miles N
- Newlaw Hill - 11 miles S
- Bar Hill - 12 miles S
- Hestan Island - 12 miles SE
- Lochinvar (Lake) - 12 miles NW
Closest Hospitals
- Castle Douglas & Community Hospital - 3 miles SE
- Kirkcudbright District Hospital - 11 miles S
- Thornhill Hospital - 19 miles NE
Clarebrand Hotels
Other Towns or Villages in DG7