Clough, Greater Manchester (OL15)
Clough Information
- Latitude and Longitude: 54°17'0" N, 5°50'0" W
- or in decimal: 54.2833, -5.8333
- Postcode Area: OL15
- County/District: Greater Manchester
Local Transport Links
- Ballynahinch Junction (Railway Station) - 9 miles N
Closest Airports to Clough
- Belfast / Harbour - 23 miles N
- Belfast / Aldergrove Airport - 30 miles NW
Nearby Points of Interest
- Tollymore Park - 6 miles SW
- Castlewellan Forest Park - 6 miles SW
- Killough Harbour - 8 miles E
Nearby Geographical Features
- Slieve Croob (Mountain) - 6 miles NW
- Slieve Donard (Mountain) - 8 miles SW
- Lough Island Reavy (Lake) - 8 miles SW
- Slievelamagan (Mountain) - 10 miles SW
- Lough Shannagh (Lake) - 11 miles SW
- Slieve Binnian (Mountain) - 11 miles SW
- Lough Aghery (Lake) - 11 miles NW
- Silent Valley Reservoir - 12 miles SW
- Monlough (Lake) - 15 miles N
Clough Hotels
Other Towns or Villages in OL15