Miodar, Argyll and Bute (PA77)
Miodar Information
- Latitude and Longitude: 56°28'40" N, 6°50'53" W
- or in decimal: 56.4778, -6.8481
- Postcode Area: PA77
- County/District: Argyll and Bute
Closest Airports to Miodar
Nearby Points of Interest
- Dùn Mór Vaul (Ancient Site) - 4 miles NE
Nearby Geographical Features
- Loch an Eilein (Lake) - 1 mile W
- Tiree (Island) - 3 miles NW
- Ben Hynish (Mountain) - 3 miles SW
- Loch a' Phuill (Lake) - 3 miles W
- Loch Bhasapoll (Lake) - 4 miles NW
- Soa Island - 5 miles NE
- Gunna (Island) - 8 miles NE
- Soa Island - 10 miles NE
- Eilean Odhar (Island) - 11 miles NE
Other Towns or Villages in PA77